
Talk, Read, Play

Parents are their child’s first and most important teachers and it is through every day routines that great learning opportunities happen. By talking, reading, and playing with their children, parents and caregivers can support their healthy development and prepare them for school.  With our initiative “Talk, Read, Play” Countdown to Kindergarten engages families, educators and the community in a citywide effort to enhance early learning opportunities and to support successful transition into kindergarten.

Why talk?

Talking to young children – starting at birth – helps them to develop strong communication skills, which enables them to better express themselves. Children who learn to read and write words they have never heard before find it as challenging as learning a whole new language. In sum, children learn to listen first, then talk, read and write. Listening to your words is the first step.

Why read?

Reading to your baby is one of the most important things you can do to help them grow their vocabulary and develop a love of learning. Reading at home is also essential for learning to read and write once your child begins school.

Why play?

Playing with your child and providing opportunities for them to play independently will help them develop creativity, imagination, and social and emotional skills. Babies and children need stimulation and interaction to foster brain development. They learn how to interact with others and the world around them through play.

Flash Rhyme Mob


Kite & Bike Festival

Materials to Support Your Child’s Development

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