Specialized Services
You can keep updated on the Office of Specialized Services at BPS here
English Language Learners
If your family is new to Boston Public Schools and another language is spoken in your home, your child might need to take a language test. During your visit at the Welcome Center staff will inform you if the language test is needed for your child, and will schedule an appointment for a later date.
Students learning English, known as English Language Learners have access to schools on their choice list, as well as schools with program options specifically designed for their needs.
Disabilities or Individual Education Plans (IEP)
If your child has a disability or has an Individualized Education Plan, also known, as an IEP, you will be referred to the Special Education Department after registering at one of the Welcome Centers. The Special Education Department will review your documents and will work with you to determine the appropriate services for your child.
Remember to bring your child’s IEP to the Welcome Center if they have one.
Child Find Screenings
Child Find Screening is an evaluation for children 3-5 years old who are not presently attending the Boston Public Schools and are residents of the city of Boston. You can learn more about it here.