
Family Play Week

Family Play Week is designed with families, as a week-long day experience for children birth to 6 years old living in the City of Boston. Family Play Week engages children and their families in meaningful family play during the summertime through collaboration with places where families can stimulate their children’s curiosity.

At Family Play Week, children and their families will participate in formal workshops and more informal learning and sharing. There is critical time built into each day for opening and closing circle, loosely structured playtime, outdoor playtime, and transitions. Family Play Week is created to ensure both adults and children have time to build relationships, share knowledge, and explore their communities.

  1. Build a mutually beneficial partnership for authentic learning and family engagement
  2. Create experiences that will support families as they connect with other families and the community at large
  3. Celebrate the power of play!
  • Family Play Week is a week-long summer experience that takes place in different locations across the city each day. Once you are enrolled, you will be given a detailed schedule.
  • Family Play Week is a parent-child experience designed for caregivers and their children to experience together. All children must be accompanied by an adult caregiver or family member during the entire Family Play Week.
  • Any child birth to 6 years old who is a resident of the City of Boston can apply to Family Play Week. However, families from Mattapan, Dorchester, and Roxbury will be prioritized.
  • If you are interested in joining Family Play Week, you will need to apply to the specific week that you are interested in joining. Please note families can only sign up for one week.
  • The second week (July 15-July 19) is only open for Spanish speakers. Fluency in Spanish is required to participate, as all instructions will be given in Spanish.
  • The deadline to apply to Family Play Week 2024, is May 24.
  • Families will receive a notification of their acceptance to Family Play Week by the 2nd week in June.

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